Oral Appliance Therapy - Albuquerque, NM
A Comfortable Way to Treat Sleep Apnea

Maybe the idea of using CPAP therapy to treat your sleep apnea doesn’t appeal to you. Or perhaps you are already using a CPAP machine but have found that you are unable to tolerate it. In either situation, you may benefit from getting a personalized oral appliance to manage your sleep apnea symptoms. If you’re interested in using oral appliance therapy to get your sleep disorder under control, call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jariwala.
Why Choose Center for Dental Sleep Medicine and TMJ of New Mexico for Oral Appliance Therapy?
- Oral Appliances Carefully Personalized for Each Patient
- Highly Educated and Friendly Dentist
- Treatment Focused on the Source of Sleep Apnea
What Is Oral Appliance Therapy?
The purpose of oral appliance therapy is to keep your airway open in order to prevent the pauses in breathing that are associated with sleep apnea. Oral appliances typically work by slightly repositioning the jaw. In many cases, simply moving the jaw forward can help prevent the airway from becoming blocked. Note that your oral appliance will be customized so that you can wear it comfortably.
Who's a Good Candidate for Oral Appliance Therapy?
You could be a candidate for oral appliance therapy if you have a mild to moderate case of sleep apnea. It may also be worth considering if you’re currently using a CPAP machine and would like to switch to a different type of treatment. All that being said, you’ll need an expert to help you figure out whether oral appliance therapy is really the right choice for you. If you have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea, we encourage you to get in touch with us.
What Are the Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral appliance therapy is an effective and non-invasive way to address obstructive sleep apnea. Of course, those are only the beginning of the benefits that you might enjoy. Continue reading below to discover more about the many advantages of this treatment. If you have any questions about how these benefits might apply to you personally, feel free to reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable team.
Improves Sleep Quality
Sleep is one of the main pillars of health. In order for your brain and body to function optimally, you should be able to benefit fully from all four stages of sleep. Unfortunately, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) disrupts that important cycle.
Oral appliance therapy allows you to breathe without disruption through the night, which means you are much more likely to get the rejuvenating rest that you need in order to feel your best day after day.
Does your partner often complain about your snoring? Oral appliance therapy can lead to quieter nights. It helps to keep the airway open, meaning that tissue vibrations are less likely to cause disturbing noise.
Plus, unlike a CPAP machine, an oral appliance operates in total silence. Of course, some patients use combined therapy, utilizing both a CPAP and an oral appliance. In such cases, an oral appliance may allow you to place your machine on a lower, quieter setting.
Convenient to Travel With
One major complaint that people have about CPAP machines is that they are inconvenient to travel with. No one wants to find space in their luggage for such a bulky device! Plus, using it can be difficult or impossible if you travel to a campground or somewhere else where there is no electrical outlet close to your bed.
An oral appliance is small and easy to slip into your carry-on luggage. It can also be used anywhere since it does not require electricity to work.
Even though CPAP therapy is very effective, it can be uncomfortable for people. In fact, many patients stop using their machine because the mask, straps, and hoses cause irritation.
An oral appliance requires a bit of an adjustment period when you start using it. However, once you get into a good routine with it, it should become a comfortable and easy part of your nightly sleep.
An oral appliance may require a bit of an upfront investment, depending on which device you need and your medical insurance coverage. However, it is affordable for most patients. And it has a much lower cost than the surgical procedures that are sometimes used to help patients with sleep apnea.
How Can Oral Appliance Therapy Help CPAP Patients?
Why do patients with sleep apnea often switch from CPAP therapy to using an oral appliance? For one thing, oral appliances are typically more comfortable than CPAP masks. Furthermore, while CPAP machines are bulky and loud, oral appliances are small and silent.
In certain situations, it may be possible to use an oral appliance in conjunction with a CPAP machine. With the appliance working to keep your airway open throughout the night, you may be able to set your machine to a lower level so that it doesn’t make as much noise.