Combined Sleep Apnea Treatment – Albuquerque, NM
Two Treatments, One Great Night’s Sleep

Oral appliance therapy is usually recommended for cases of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). If someone has more severe OSA, an oral appliance may not be enough to completely stop their symptoms and enable them to get the high-quality rest they need and deserve. Fortunately, this does not mean that such patients cannot benefit at all from oral appliance therapy. Combining an appliance with a CPAP machine may prove to be the best form of sleep apnea treatment for such individuals. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of combined treatment from our Albuquerque, NM specialty dentist.
CPAP Therapy
A CPAP uses a mask, hoses, and a machine to shoot pressurized air into a patient’s airway. This facilitates uninterrupted breathing and is considered the gold standard of sleep apnea treatments. Unfortunately, many CPAP users dislike their machine. They complain that the mask is uncomfortable, and they may have to have the machine on such a high setting that its noise disturbs both them and their partner. The air used by the machine may cause symptoms like dry lips and a dry throat. In many cases, these people stop using their treatment altogether.
Oral Appliance Therapy
An oral appliance from a sleep dentist in Albuquerque is custom-made to fit a patient’s unique mouth. By gently shifting the jaw forward, it can allow easier air passage and fewer sleep apnea episodes. Many patients find an oral appliance to be much more comfortable than a CPAP. Plus, appliances are completely silent — which means there are no mechanical sounds to disturb the peace of the bedroom. People who switch from a CPAP to an oral appliance often find that they are more likely to comply with their treatment.
How Does Combined Therapy Work?
Combined sleep apnea therapy uses both an oral appliance and a CPAP machine. The appliance helps to keep the airway open, which means the machine can be set to a much lower level than it would be otherwise. This allows for quieter, more comfortable nights. Many people who use combined therapy find that it is easier to comply with treatment, especially if adding the oral appliance to their machine allows them to stop using head straps. It is even possible that you will no longer need to wear a mask over your mouth; your CPAP’s nose piece may be all you need.
Which Sleep Apnea Treatment Is Right for You?
Should you use a CPAP, an oral appliance, or both? Figuring out the answer to that question isn’t always easy. Fortunately, our team is here to help. Once we learn about the severity of your sleep apnea and your thoughts on your past treatments, we will be able to make a personalized recommendation on your next steps. If you ever find that some aspect of your therapy isn’t working, let us know so we can make appropriate adjustments to your treatment plan. Our goal is to help you achieve a great night’s sleep every night! Contact us today to get started on the road to better rest and a healthier you.